Cooking with Alice

Ricotta, Mushroom, and BBQ Chicken Lasagna

Ingredients: - 1 BBQ chicken, shredded - 1 pack fresh lasagna sheets - 1 bottle Passata - 1 bag mushrooms, diced - 4 shallots, diced - 2 garlic c...

Chicken Mince and Green Veg Stir Fry

Ingredients: 500g chicken mince 1/2 zucchini, sliced and cubed 2 celery stalks, sliced A bunch of bok choy, thinly sliced the base, tear the leav...

Chicken Street Kebab Bowl

Chicken Street Kebab Bowl
Savour the taste of summer with the Chicken Street Kebab Bowl. Marinated in a blend of spices, the tender chicken is threaded onto skewers and baked to perfection. Serve over gremolata rice with hummus, feta, cucumber, and tomatoes for a delightful meal reminiscent of your favorite kebab shop. Enjoy the charred, flavorful goodness with a zesty lemon twist!